The Vampires Of Zakynthos

Roving Mick and Sylvia recently had an enjoyable holiday in Zakynthos. Their one regret from this trip was how popular they were with the local flying insect life. This inspired Mick to use his great understanding of aesthetics and culture to write a poem about being bitten everywhere by mosquitoes – apart from one place!

The first day of our trip to Zakynthos
Was tastier than Blackpool Rock
But this was for the mosquitoes.
At least they didn’t bite my stick of rock.

They bit me all over my body
My feet while still in their sock.
At least they didn’t in one place
They didn’t bite my hock.

My legs looked like currant cake
With spots a leopard would mock
Yes I would like to change them
But they didn’t bite my springbok

We may as well have been in Africa
With lions and hippo who shock
But worse things are in the river
At least didn’t bite my croc

This biting from these Mosquitoes
Was like a peck from a giant Roc
Sinbad the Sailor couldn’t save us
But they didn’t bite my hammock

Lancashire lads and lasses
We’re very fine Northern stock
Clogs and shawls at the ready
At least they didn’t bite my smock

My timing wasn’t so brilliant
Fascinating said Mr. Spock
The mosquitoes were so logical
At least they didn’t bite my clock

We never took any precautions
Made ourselves a right laughing stock
The Chinese have a remedy
At least they didn’t bite my wock

But something’s started to appear
In a place that’s given me a shock
The little blighters have finally got me
Yes, they’ve bitten me on my c#ck!

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